Marks S12 Grand Prix

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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar Fhu » Mar Mar 20, 2012 12:08 pm

Are you sure about the GP?
I don't really know if it exists

For your starter problem, you can ask to Alundra by MP or Facebook, I think I can help you

To summarize his problem
He changed his distributor rotor and his distributor cap with a new and OEM one.
He tested almost all, spark plug, Ignition Leads...
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar » Mar Mar 20, 2012 10:47 pm

no, the MK2 are in GP

This is the 3rd that I see on the web

I was in contact with a Swiss who had a S12 GP MK2 white
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar alundra » Mer Mar 21, 2012 7:34 pm

Can you check the codes on the ECU if yes post them.

We have 2 coolant sensors on CA18ET, one for the ECU, yellow plug 2 pins near the calorstat, one with 1 pin, prone to have oxydation. Check and clean well the terminal, recheck.

Easy to check the calorstat: Cold motor, check the upper radiatot hose by lightly squizzing in your hand. Start the motor and feel the temperature and the pressure.

About your noise near starter, check the 2 bolts (?) of the starter, the terminals and their wire protection. Is something "clicking noise" at the idle please add a video with sound on the area if your can (good cell phone requiered)

About the sound in your 5th gear, have you located the origin? back, gearbox, motor, left or right. Fit a friend in back seat and goo for a ride.

Did you have a timing gun lamp? I use this to see if i have ignition on the wires, attach this on each wire and crack the motor, cracking if sufficent to see if the lamp blicking or not.
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Messages: 3748
Enregistré le: Jeu Juil 20, 2006 12:57 am
Localisation: 93- Le pré st gervais dit Walnut Grove
Véhicule: Nissan s12 silvia mk1.5
Etat de votre S12: en travaux

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar sunny1600 » Mar Avr 03, 2012 8:19 pm

Never heard of MK2 GP and on the German SX board they are certain there arent MK2 GP's made.

Another Nissan mystery perhaps.


I have the FJ20E engine. I will check the ECU and the wires going from the engine to the ECU.
About the thermostat (calorstart) I will replace this with one I know works and have tested.

Starter: will check if everything fits correctly. I am thinking it might be the ring gear?
We have replaced all the parts incl gearbox, clutchplate etc. Only thing changed was the engine/motor.
I will check what you suggested. He should only be there to hear if the noise is there in the back too?

The ignition has been set to -17, this was way off and my buddy checked it with a timing gun.

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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar sunny1600 » Mar Avr 03, 2012 8:20 pm

Today I got some fresh parts in.

50mm alu rad from a pulsar n14 gtir combined with 2x 12" slim fans.

Lars from NCN is busy with remaking the center caps and Banzai is going to see if he can remake the decals.
These are the decals

Long time project
FJ20ET stock manifold with stock turbo

And a device to capture my moments on the Nordschleife/ tracks.

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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar Fhu » Mar Avr 03, 2012 8:44 pm

I saw on my manual
The ignition timing for FJ20E europe 12±4 degres before with a idle speed on 900±50 RPM
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Enregistré le: Lun Fév 22, 2010 2:50 pm
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Véhicule: Clio3 gt pack, Nissan RS12
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar alundra » Mar Avr 03, 2012 9:09 pm

Nice items for your next mods!
Have a nice trip and don't forget to upload some video! :sol:
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Enregistré le: Jeu Juil 20, 2006 12:57 am
Localisation: 93- Le pré st gervais dit Walnut Grove
Véhicule: Nissan s12 silvia mk1.5
Etat de votre S12: en travaux

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar Denrée » Mar Avr 03, 2012 9:29 pm

Quelqu'un peut lui dire en anglais, que comme moi, il peut acheter des cabochons de jante Gotti neuf cher Gotti justement ? Pour 40€ les quatre environ.

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Enregistré le: Dim Jan 10, 2010 2:11 pm
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Véhicule: RBS12 & S12
Etat de votre S12: ça roule !

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar alundra » Mar Avr 03, 2012 9:38 pm

"You can also buy the wheel caps brand new directly from Gotti , like 40€" said Denrée to you, Marks
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Enregistré le: Jeu Juil 20, 2006 12:57 am
Localisation: 93- Le pré st gervais dit Walnut Grove
Véhicule: Nissan s12 silvia mk1.5
Etat de votre S12: en travaux

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar sunny1600 » Mer Avr 04, 2012 11:51 am

Yes I know, but I think they are different. ... adID=66669

These have a plastic coating which makes them shining. The original I have and see on pictures of others are matte so I believe mine should be more like the original when finished.

First I need to have the car in good shape and up and running. Then I will have some new vids on track.

Fhu: 12±4 degrees means it has to be on 12 to 16?

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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar Fhu » Mer Avr 04, 2012 12:03 pm

Yes, I think it means that
After work, I will scan you the method sequence to set and check the idle
But it's in French and then I try to translate it in English
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar » Mer Avr 04, 2012 4:12 pm

une question, tu veux venir au rassemble au mois de Mai? :D

a question, you want to come together in the month of May
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Enregistré le: Jeu Aoû 17, 2006 12:18 am
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Véhicule: Primera, 300zx, Bluebird turbo
Etat de votre S12: dead

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar sunny1600 » Mer Avr 04, 2012 5:45 pm

Depends on time and place.

Nordschleife addict
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar GoSP » Mer Avr 04, 2012 6:52 pm

Yeah come on our annual meeting ! :D
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar sunny1600 » Mer Avr 04, 2012 9:41 pm

Where is it and when?

Nordschleife addict
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar Denrée » Mer Avr 04, 2012 9:46 pm

25 to 28 may 2012
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar GoSP » Mer Avr 04, 2012 10:25 pm

Near "Roanne" in France ;)
"Back on the road"
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Etat de votre S12: Restauration & Préparation

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar Fhu » Mer Avr 04, 2012 11:07 pm

So, here are the scan files about process idle




To summarize:
At first, I think you must set the idle less 1000 RPM with depression distributor unplugged, plug a cap on and a link cable tachometer/ignition coil (?? for FJ20 and/or CA20 only) and check the ignition timing 8±1 degres before TDC

After, replug the the depression and all, set the idle 900±50 RPM (turn the adjusting screw) and recheck the ignition timming 12±4 degres before TDC

I hope it's clear for you
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Enregistré le: Lun Fév 22, 2010 2:50 pm
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar sunny1600 » Jeu Avr 05, 2012 12:51 am

Thanks Fhu, I will have my buddy check it.

Thats a 9h single drive so I dont think that will happen. But thanks for the invite. Maybe next year if the car is reliable again. :??:

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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar sunny1600 » Lun Avr 16, 2012 12:34 am

Today I had a carmeet with the Dutch Nissanclub. The car has been polished completely. The engine bay has been cleaned by myself and some help, with WD40 FTW> Interior has been cleaned with an extractor, and did a good job. Alot of brown stuff came out, but this was expected.

No pics before, but the result tells it all.

Engine bay

I didnt take a good pic of the interior, and it needed to dry.

My buddy at work

And some more.

Pics of the result

White trash in the cabin.
cover over it so it does not become dirty

Awesome pic

Nordschleife addict
2009: 4 laps (N14)
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar alundra » Lun Avr 16, 2012 12:38 am

So fresh!
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Messages: 3748
Enregistré le: Jeu Juil 20, 2006 12:57 am
Localisation: 93- Le pré st gervais dit Walnut Grove
Véhicule: Nissan s12 silvia mk1.5
Etat de votre S12: en travaux

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar » Lun Avr 16, 2012 10:28 am

trop belle
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Enregistré le: Jeu Aoû 17, 2006 12:18 am
Localisation: Oise
Véhicule: Primera, 300zx, Bluebird turbo
Etat de votre S12: dead

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar GoSP » Lun Avr 16, 2012 10:32 am

Magnifique ! :love:
"Back on the road"
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Enregistré le: Mer Aoû 12, 2009 10:43 pm
Localisation: Avignon (84)
Véhicule: Silvia S12
Etat de votre S12: Restauration & Préparation

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar sunny1600 » Mar Sep 04, 2012 1:01 pm

Topic update.
Some of you have seen the GP at the Nürmeet, for the rest here are the mods done lately.

- BC racing coilover setup
- S13 pre-facelift brakes replaced with S13 facelift brakes with DS2500 pads.
- S13 front strutbrace modified for the S12
- brake fluid changed to motul RBF660
- Recaro recliner seats out of an Integra Type-R
- QSP Fia 4-point camlock 3 inch


BC Racing coilovers
Fits perfactly with just S13 brake parts (caliper, brake pad, brake disc, brake lines), S13 hub and S13 spindle. Rest of it is still S12 stuff.

S13 brakes front
Left pre facelift (256mm), right facelift. (280mm)

strutbrace front

Recaro's and the QSP 4-point camlocks

How the car stands atm.

Nordschleife addict
2009: 4 laps (N14)
2010: 24 laps (N14)
2011: 11 laps (S12)
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar GoSP » Mar Sep 04, 2012 1:05 pm

Very nice ! The seats are in the same color than your interior, beautiful !

This car is now sticked to the road :P
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Enregistré le: Mer Aoû 12, 2009 10:43 pm
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Véhicule: Silvia S12
Etat de votre S12: Restauration & Préparation

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar alundra » Mar Sep 04, 2012 10:09 pm

Seats from integra DC5?
Damned! Can't wait your feeling with this set up!
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Enregistré le: Jeu Juil 20, 2006 12:57 am
Localisation: 93- Le pré st gervais dit Walnut Grove
Véhicule: Nissan s12 silvia mk1.5
Etat de votre S12: en travaux

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar sunny1600 » Mar Sep 18, 2012 12:48 am

Seats are from a accord type r.

Car handles much better now, will have to update here this week. Went with Colin (draconis) on a roadtrip through England, Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland.

The guys that are on my FB already have seen the map, but still lots to update :D

Nordschleife addict
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Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar alundra » Mar Sep 18, 2012 2:11 am

How the ride in soft setting, please?
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Messages: 3748
Enregistré le: Jeu Juil 20, 2006 12:57 am
Localisation: 93- Le pré st gervais dit Walnut Grove
Véhicule: Nissan s12 silvia mk1.5
Etat de votre S12: en travaux

Re: Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar sunny1600 » Ven Sep 28, 2012 2:33 pm

I have no idea. I think it is somewhere in medium which is still fine on road use tbh. I will try soft for you this week :)

Took the S12 to Donington Park Japfest 2 for some tracktime


I have been a few times to the Nordschleife
stock chassis

bc racing coilovers

Donington Park


Took the 12 to the UK once more

JAE 2012


Been to the ring again



Went to Zürich to see a special S12, The Champion edition of which 100 are made in total.

And I have seen on FB that one of you guys (Dendre?) did a brake upgrade from R33 which fits the 15inch Gotti's so might do that in the future if these brakes prove not to be sufficient.

Sinds last week my car is on the Australian S12 site as a feature car


Copy paste

The Flying Dutchman - The S12 Grand Prix
Posted by Draconis, in Feature Car: Flying Dutchman 25 September 2012 · 83 views


Each car has its own personality and much of that is apparent in the way it presents itself. One can say that a car is simply that. An inanimate object that is void of personality and if anything, is just an extension of ourselves as we express our interests, tastes, and aspirations through them. This is very true; however, if one does look or listen closely, one can indeed pick up on just what the car is beyond a collection of metal, plastic, and glass. And indeed, it is this that makes cars come unto their own. To add, there is the interplay between the owner of the car and the car itself that truly brings out the best in both and it is this trait that propels the two in such a manner that it is nearly impossible to not notice and admire.


As our newest addition to our Featured Car list, Mark van der Velden and his Grand Prix are very much an example of how a car and driver can propel the other to beyond that of just "owning" a car. After spending a week getting to know the Grand Prix and seeing all that Mark has in store for her, the two are indeed a powerhouse waiting to happen. We here at have long since had our eye on Mark and his Grand Prix but have been waiting for some time to see how things would turn out for the two and just what direction they would be going. With several world renowned tracks already driven, an icon in Europe, and the inspiration of many globally,


It is indeed our privilege to have the opportunity to add Mark and his Grand Prix to the list. We are excited to share what Mark has already prepared for us and the many things yet to come. With so much in the works already, be on the lookout for some great features about one of the finest examples of an S12 Grand Prix that still exist.

Photography credit goes to Jano Buitenhuis. Thanks heaps man for the pics and looking forward to seeing you again next year.

Nordschleife addict
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2010: 24 laps (N14)
2011: 11 laps (S12)
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2014: none yet. Nurmeet countdown.
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Enregistré le: Mer Jan 25, 2012 1:24 am
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Marks S12 Grand Prix

Messagepar Denrée » Ven Sep 28, 2012 6:21 pm

Yes it´s me with the R33 brake !
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Messages: 3616
Enregistré le: Dim Jan 10, 2010 2:11 pm
Localisation: Totainville (88)
Véhicule: RBS12 & S12
Etat de votre S12: ça roule !


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