Well here are some tech. details I can fill in for the lack of pics.
The RB20 setup I had worked for the most part. Due to a hose in the rear of the RB20, it prevented me from pushing the engine further back against the firewall. Well, the RB26 does not have this issue so the motor was able to be pushed back just a bit further. This meant that the subframe needed to be slotted just a bit more to accommodate this change of placement. Then to add to it, the RB20 was situated so that the over the valve cover intake pipe could clear the SE bonnet without having to damage it in any way. Well, it is apparent that the RB26 does not have this type of intake so the passenger side had to be slotted slightly more than the driver's side to sit the engine back in a better place. The other issue that was addressed was the oil pickup under the engine block. Since I ditched the RB26 pan, the only option was to have one custom made or use a RB20/25 oil pan. My plans fell through to get a custom one made up so I went with the Rb20/25 pan. This meant that the oil pickup would interfere with the pan and it could not be bolted straight on. One option many do is cut and weld the oil pan to solve this issue. I refuse to do that so I was able to have an adapter by the shop made up and fitted so that the pickup can remain without issue as well as the pan and plates inside. This though created a 'taller' engine from pan to valve cover. So we ended up playing with GTS, GTR and Nismo mid-mounts. The top-mounts/motor mounts were left basically as is as the lower-mounts/subframe mounts were adapted as stated above.
Then there was the concern about increasing brakes. Since I'm not going for much power at the moment, all I needed to do was increase the front suspension stiffening. I chose to go with S14 tension rod brackets, S13 Kazama tension rods and adapted the s12 control arms by notching out the stock bolt holes just a bit to allow for a better angle and grip for the tension rods. This stiffens up the front end suspension, increases it's steering capabilities and increases brake efficiency. With that increase in the front and the MKII Z32 rear brake swap, I feel I have sufficient braking ability for the time being on how the car is driven coupled with it's power. If I am to obtain more power, then yes, I would do a complete conversion, but for now, the SE front and Z31 rears are actually quite capable. In the pics, you will also see SS brake lines I had installed on both front and back.

Then there is the new radiator. After this setup is finalized, it will be offered to all those who have S12s. These will be rads. custom for S12s and will have correct mounts. Granted, you dont need one like mine but you can ask for your choice of parameters and it can be made up and shipped to you. What I have is a full aluminum rad that is double core/flow. I totally forgot the exact terminology of what it is, so tomorrow I will clarify and edit this. But it will keep the fluids cool and shouldnt have any issues. This setup was used on a S13 with a RB26 before and it worked perfectly so we are adapting that to work with the S12 and fit within the stock setup so that it becomes bolt on for us.